Kindness and Business
“We rise by lifting others.”
– Robert Ingersoll
The modern television businessman is not known for his kindness. Shows like Madmen, Suits, and Undercover Boss paint bosses to be uncaring, take-charge, and rude. That does not have to be the reality of the modern-day business person. As a leader, you have the opportunity to create an environment of kindness in your workplace. Kindness can manifest in both big deeds and small deeds.
Big Kindness
As a business, there are many opportunities to contribute as an entire unit, categorizing as big decisions. When you look at avenues outside of the business place, there are plenty of variations. You can support local businesses by donating money or supplies. You can donate to local politicians and relief efforts. You can become a business partner alongside a variety of nonprofits. You can also make an effort to connect with and listen to the people in your community. Make an effort to meet their needs, and that will make a big difference for your company. In times of tragedy and hardship, donate products, time, and resources to those who need it.
When you look internally, make an effort to care about your employees. Offer packages that help your employees. Being intentional about caring about them inside and outside of the office is incredibly important. Try looking over your maternity, paternity, injury, and sickness benefits that you offer to your employees.
Small Kindness
Small acts of kindness are defined as micro-interactions. This version of understanding applies more to personal interactions as a business leader.
On an intrapersonal scale, start with how you interact with your fellow employees. As a rule of thumb, follow the golden rule. “Treat others as you yourself wants to be treated”. When you follow the golden rule things like kindness, patience, understanding, and respect all fall in line.
When it comes to outer personal relations, remember that the actions you do and the things you say are being noted. You are representing your workplace, even when you’re not on the clock. Remember to act with kindness in all things.
Business and kindness are not exclusive categories. They are both intertwined and, when done correctly, can allow your business and yourself to flourish.